I'm so grateful for your visit! My name is Lesley (she/her), and I'm a queer social worker, massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, urban farmer, beekeeper and naturalist. Simply put, I'm an explorer and listener.

The curiosity and sensitivity that have accompanied me from birth have invited me to wander along various paths all rooted in self- and community care. This space is an opportunity for individuals, families, communities and organizations to co-create their own respite, inquisitiveness and investigation of self- and community care, whether we share a single session of massage therapy or our work unfolds over seasons of practicing together through several service pillars. I organize my movement in this life and this work around the premise that all individuals are inherently worthy of the experience of being seen, comforted and honored. As such, my offerings are made available through sliding scale justice pricing inclusive of bartering for services when ethically possible. (If you wish to donate to support the Community Care Fund, please see the donate button at the menu bar. The donation portal may also be accessed here.)

I center the insight, strength, love and experiences of women, LGBTQIA+, black, brown and Indigenous individuals, as well as individuals who have experienced housing insecurity and intimate partner violence. This space is first offered with these specific individuals and communities in mind.

I received my undergraduate education in Anthropology and Gender Studies from Butler University (2008), completed a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from IUPUI-Indianapolis (2011) and received my education for both massage therapy (625 hours) and Reiki from Indiana Therapeutic Massage School in Indianapolis (2016). I am a licensed social worker (LSW: 33006057A) and a licensed massage therapist (LMT: MT21605822), both in the State of Indiana. I am an Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) member practitioner. English is my first language and I also speak both Spanish and Japanese on intermediate levels.

In my heart, I know that my specific formal education--paired with farming and florist genes!--primed me for this precise offering. I also recognize that individuals and communities are deeply gifted and knowledgeable separate from and without institutional education.

Thank you for your interest and trust in me and in our potential work together.


"A braid of sweetgrass hangs by my door. The three shining strands represent the unity of mind, body, and spirit that makes us whole. (...) That braid reminds me that when we braid the hair of Mother Earth we remember all that is given to us and our responsibility to care for those gifts in return. In this way the gifts are sustained and all are fed. No one goes hungry."

Robin Wall Kimmerer
{Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants}
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