Massage therapy, Reiki and gardening/plant life support services are offered via a sliding-scale justice pricing system in an attempt to make this care as accessible as possible. You are invited to assess your payment level each session and you have the freedom to move along the scale as your current situation dictates. I will never request justification for why you select a given payment point, even if your amount changes over time.

If you would prefer to discuss bartering for care services for any reason, please contact me. I will honor the option of bartering as much as is ethically possible. Lastly, if the Community Care Fund is the best option for fully supporting you in receiving the care you seek, please complete a CCF waitlist form.

Some examples of possible Sponsor, Sustainer and Supporter points are listed below to help you clearly identify where you might place yourself on the justice pricing scale. I credit Alexis Cunningfolk at for these descriptions.

I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic
needs (e.g. food, housing and transportation).
I have access to health care.
I have access to financial savings.
I can afford an annual vacation or to regularly take time off.

I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them.
I have access to health care.
I might have access to financial savings.
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden.

I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs and don't always achieve them.
I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and health care.
I have no access to savings.
I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off work without financial burden.

For 90 minute massage therapy OR Reiki sessions:
$95 Supporter rate
$105 Sustainer rate
$115 Sponsor rate

For 60 minute massage therapy OR Reiki sessions:
$70 Supporter rate
$80 Sustainer rate
$90 Sponsor rate

For 30 minute massage therapy OR Reiki sessions:
$40 Supporter rate
$50 Sustainer rate
$60 Sponsor rate

For integrated Reiki massage therapy sessions:
30 minutes:
$55 Supporter rate
$65 Sustainer rate
$75 Sponsor rate

60 minutes:
$85 Supporter rate
$95 Sustainer rate
$105 Sponsor rate

90 minutes:
$120 Supporter rate
$130 Sustainer rate
$140 Sponsor rate

Bodywork session packages: 
Reiki massage packages:
five 30-minute sessions: $230
five 60-minute sessions: $430
five 90-minute sessions: $550

Massage therapy OR Reiki packages:
five 30-minute sessions: $215
five 60-minute sessions: $365
five 90-minute sessions: $490

Garden installation and mentoring:
gardening package: $325 (free consultation + 8 additional hrs of educational + planning support), extra hours for education/planning/installation labor can be added on as needed at a rate of $30/hr

Nonprofit/organizational care+ critical incident debriefing:
rates for organizational care and critical incident debriefing sessions are set at $250/hr.
conflict mediation sessions are $100/hr. for one-on-one or small groups (under five participants)

Consultations for all Sweetgrass offerings are free of charge and range from 20 minutes for bodywork consultations to 45 minutes for organizational support consults. Accepted forms of (non-barter) payment are cash or e-payment through either Zelle or Square. I do ask that sessions are paid for in advance during e-intake process unless an alternative arrangement has been discussed. Thank you!
Justice Pricing image