Community Care Fund image
If you are seeking a session covered fully or partially by the Community Care Fund and would like to be added to the waitlist, please fill out this form: CCF waitlist

The Community Care Fund exists to provide a mutual aid-supported route to accessing massage therapy and Reiki sessions through partial subsidy or, when possible, at no cost to the individual seeking care and with no questions asked. Supporters seeking to contribute to the Community Care Fund in a pay-it-forward format may purchase a full or partial session at this link: Square site. Contributions may also be made via the Community Care Fund button on the homepage.

If CCF dollars are insufficient at the time of a session request, I will use a waitlist and follow-up with individuals seeking care as funds become available. Ethical bartering for services can be explored if a waitlist timeline feels too uncertain or lengthy. New clients wishing to inquire about available CCF dollars can reach out via the Contact page and established clients may email me.

As of May 2024, 94 fully or partially subsidized sessions have been made available through this mutual aid model, which exists separately from the justice-based sliding-scale fee schedule central to my vision for Sweetgrass. Thank you for your support and your role in redistributing wealth--any and all amounts are deeply appreciated.

I'd like to offer my sincere gratitude to IndyPride for selecting Sweetgrass Healing Co. as a 2023 Round One awardee for community funding support in the categories of Direct Service & Mutual Aid as well as Health & Wellness. Their generous award of $2500 offered valuable funding for the CCF as well as operational support in late Spring 2023. Per their website, this support helps "ensure that all LGBTQ+ Hoosiers find the community and resources they need." This funding has since been spent down.

If you are seeking a session covered fully or partially by the Community Care Fund and would like to be added to the waitlist, please fill out this form: CCF waitlist